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• learn about the research in the areas of communication between schools and parents of English learners,
• explore ideas on how to effectively communicate with parents of English learners
• explore examples on what parents can do to support their child’s overall success.
Listing Catalog: Texas A&M - Continuing & Professional Education
• increase your awareness of the challenges parents of English learners face,
• enhance your knowledge about meaningful ways schools can create inclusive parental involvement programs,
• learn about ways parents can get involved in school to impact the success of English learners.
Listing Catalog: Texas A&M - Continuing & Professional Education
Topics in this program include:
Selecting the Best Education Program for Your Child
The Advantages of Being Bilingual
Help Your Child Learn to Read
Beginning Readers
Listing Catalog: Texas A&M - Continuing & Professional Education
Learn information on topics concerning leadership for English learners.
Listing Catalog: Texas A&M - Continuing & Professional Education
Learn how to use Transitional Bilingual Observation Protocol, make the most of your assessment data, and best practices in using corrective feedback.
Listing Catalog: Texas A&M - Continuing & Professional Education
In this program, you will learn fundamental and up-to-date research regarding second language acquisition. Topics include, fundamental concepts, stages of language acquisition, comprehensible input, the affective filter, language transfer, and CALP.
Listing Catalog: Texas A&M - Continuing & Professional Education
Learn how to set learning objectives appropriate for classrooms with ELs.
Listing Catalog: Texas A&M - Continuing & Professional Education
De Jong and Harper (2005) emphasized that instruction for English learners (ELs) is more
than “just good teaching.” Although many similarities exist between effective instruction
for ELs and native English speakers, instruction can be similar, but not necessarily the same.
Teachers need to adapt instruction for ELs. In this course, participants
will learn several strategies that they can implement to support EL English
proficiency and academic success.
Listing Catalog: Texas A&M - Continuing & Professional Education